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July 2023

The end of term was a busy time with the children rehearsing their lines and singing songs in preparation for their whole school end of term celebration – A Mermaid’s Tale.

When the big day finally arrived, the excitement was tangible! Lots of smiling faces everywhere, excited giggles, colourful costumes and a variety of beautifully made props filled the playground.

Our story began with a young mermaid swimming to a remote island where nothing grew, the animals and birds did not talk to each other and there was a lot of rubbish just scattered around.  The mermaid decided she needed to help the island flourish so she found a seed and sprinkled some of her special pearl dust from her magic oyster shell onto the seed.  She encouraged the animals and birds to water the seed regularly and as they did they started talking to each other and making friends.  The seed began to grow into a tree with beautiful leaves and flowers started to grow where the animals had watered the land. All the animals and birds worked together to clear the rubbish and to look after their island. They thanked the mermaid for showing them how to be kind to each other, how to make friends and understand how important it is to look after their environment, this in turn made them very happy and their island very beautiful.

The children really enjoyed performing the show - what a lovely positive way to end the year!