Parent Information Contact

Hello, my name is Sally Nye I am the Parent Information Contact (PIC) here at West Rise Infant School.
I am available to support the children, parents and families in any way I can. The following are some areas in which I might be able to help you with or point you in the right direction:
- Concerns about education
- Special Needs Education
- Transition between school, i.e. infant to junior
- Parenting
- Financial worries
- Housing worries
- Wellbeing
I may be able to help you with other things as well, please pop into the school on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday anytime up until 1.30pm. If you have any questions or concerns you can telephone the school office on 01323-764062 or email me at
If I don’t know the answer immediately, I will endeavour to find one! I will try and keep you up-to-date with relevant information via our website, text message and letters.
If you have any ideas for activities that you would like to see happening at the school for Parents and Carer then please let me know. It would be great to share ideas.
I look forward to meeting you.