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Reception - Summer Term 1 Newsletter

Welcome back to an action-packed Summer Term. We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and would like to take the opportunity to welcome you and your children back to school. This term we will be focusing our learning on Marvellous Minibeasts! We will be exploring the stories ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and ‘Mad about Minibeasts’. We will also be reading non-fiction books and poems linked to minibeasts. The children will have opportunities to go on a minibeast hunt, watch caterpillars hatch into butterflies, as well as, explore and build different minibeast habitats. In art, we will be designing and making minibeasts through clay work. We will also be investigating why spiders spin webs and exploring the answers to questions the children have asked in class.

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Also, this term we will be continuing to follow the children’s interests and develop learning through their investigation and play. In Phonics, we will be continuing to practise phonic sounds through lots of fun and practical activities. The children will also have lots of opportunities to consolidate their knowledge of numbers, for those children who are confident to 10 we will be looking at number patterns using Numicon to 20and beyond. We will be spending time every day counting up to and back from 20 and will continue to use physical resources to explore skills including addition, subtraction, doubling, halving and sharing.

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In PE we will be enjoying using the sports hall and our main school hall for our dance lessons. The children will learn different ways of moving across the floor and will begin sequencing these movements together. Some of our lessons will link to moving like different types of minibeasts to music.


Our Mindful Curriculum this term will focus on ‘growth’. We will be continuing to learn how to ‘grow’ our brains by developing a growth mindset represented by ‘Wise Old Owl’ who always has a go and is not afraid to make mistakes, as he will continue to learn. When the weather eventually becomes warmer - can we remind you to send in named sun hats and sun cream to use on hot days.


Thank you once again for all your continued support,


The Reception Team.

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