Our Offer
Our Nursery is open for 38 weeks per year (term-time only) between 8am and 5pm.
We offer sessional or full day care including breakfast club and afterschool club. The times are as follows:
8.00am– 9.00am
Breakfast Club
(Not included in funded hours)
9.00am– 3.00pm
Full day session
Morning session
12.00pm– 3.00pm
Afternoon session
3.00pm - 5.00pm
AfterSchool Club
(Not included in funded hours)
If your child attends for a full day session, you can either send your child in with a packed lunch or order a hot dinner at the cost of £2.97 per day and payment is to made direct to Chartwells (meal provider) via Parentpay.
- Prompt collection is vital at the end of any session.
- If you are going to be delayed please contact the school on 01323-764062. The contact phone number after 3.30pm is 07756 431104.
- A collection of up to 30 minutes late will be charged at £3.00
- Collection over 30 minutes late will be charged at £5.00 per 30 minutes.
Any additional charges due to late collection will be added to your next invoice.
If for any reason you wish to remove your child from our Nursery during the course of the year, we will require one term written notice of the date your child will be leaving. Should your child leave without such notice the term fees will be chargeable.
Fee Structures September 2024
2 Year Old Fee Structure

Our Admission Policy is children must attend a minimum of two sessions per week over two separate days and priority is given to children on our waiting list with siblings in the school. Fees are payable termly in advance.
Disadvantage 2 year old funding:
Sessions are only offered Monday to Friday 12.00 – 15.00. Children are required to attend the full 15 hours per week. Any additional hours over 15 hours would be charged as detailed above.
Working Families 2 year old funding:
Sessions are offered anytime Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm. Children are required to attend the full 15 hours per week. Any additional hours over the 15 hours would be charged as detailed above.
Setting Fee:
All children who attend our nursery pay a setting fee which ensures that their care is provided for and this allows for wipes, snacks, reusuable water bottle and drawstring bag. It also allows for your child’s nursery experience to be extended to include opportunities such as cooking, yoga, visits to the library, cinema and sports hall and to see butterflies and ducklings hatch.
3/4 Year Old Old Fee Structure

Our Admission Policy is children must attend a minimum of two sessions per week over two separate days and priority is given to children on our waiting list with siblings in the school. Fees are payable termly in advance.
15 Hours 3/4 year old funding:
Sessions are only offered as follows:-
Monday and Wednesday 09.00 – 15.00 and Friday 12.00 – 15.00 or Tuesday and Thursday 09.00 – 15.00 and Friday 09.00 – 12.00.
Any additional hours over 15 hours would be charged as detailed above.
30 Hours 3/4 year old funding:
Session are only offered Monday to Friday 09.00 – 15.00. Children are required to attend the full 30 hours per week. This is limited to 5 children.
Any additional hours over 30 hours would be charged as detailed above.
Setting Fee:
All children who attend our nursery pay a setting fee which ensures that their care is provided for and this allows for wipes, snacks, reusuable water bottle and drawstring bag. It also allows for your child’s nursery experience to be extended to include opportunities such as cooking, yoga, visits to the library, cinema and sports hall and to see butterflies and ducklings hatch.
Hot Lunches
Hot lunches will be available to children who attend all day and there will be an additional cost of £2.97 charged by Chartwells (the meal provider)
Non-Payment of fees
In the case of non-payment of fees the following procedure will be implemented:-
- Should payment not be received a letter will sent from the Headteacher requesting immediate payment of the fees.
- Should payment not be received, a letter will be sent from the Chair of Governors advising that if immediate payment is not received then your child will be removed from the nursery and their place reallocated to somebody on our waiting list.
At West Rise Nursery we welcome children with additional needs and are committed to the inclusion of all children.
We recognise that some children may have additional needs that may require particular help, intervention and support needs may be short-lived for a particular time in the child’s life or may require longer-term support. At all times we will, alongside each child’s parents and any relevant professionals, share information, identify needs and help the child and family access the support they need.
For more information on the Local Offer at West Rise Nursery and Community Infant School please click the link below. You will also find a copy of our SEND policy below.
If you have any further questions please contact Caroline Croft, our Nursery Manager, via email:
ccroft@westrieinf.e-sussex.sch.uk We supply water bottles for children to drink from at any point throughout the day. We also offer the children a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon together with a choice of either milk or water.