Year 2 - Summer Term 1
Happy Summertime Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to school. It has been so lovely to see the children back at school. We are hoping the sun really comes into its own this term so we can do lots of lovely learning outside!
Our topic this term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. We will be discussing and looking at ways of protecting our precious planet Earth and how to help some of the endangered animals, such as tigers and polar bears to name but a few. This topic feeds into Science, DT, English, Geography and Music – in fact every subject come to think of it!
So… Our English focus is story writing. We will be enjoying lots of fabulous books and using these to develop our own story language. We have lots of lovely new stories that focus on the theme of protecting our planet and are looking forward to sharing these with the children.
In Science we will be researching animals, habitats and learning about why some are endangered. We will also be looking at lifecycles and thinking about what we need to grow and survive.
In Art we will be looking at the stunningly beautiful tiger paintings by Henri Rousseau and then create our own interpretations of these using collage! We will also be learning how to sew using some basic stitches.
In Maths, we will be revising work covered already to consolidate our learning, as well as developing our understanding of Place Value, Problem Solving, Time, Measure and Fractions.
In Computing the children have been enjoying using the Purple Mash online learning platform to create their own songs. This term we will be continuing to use Purple Mash, don’t forget you can access Purple Mash at home too. Each child has their own username and password stuck into the front of their reading record.
Please keep up the good work with homework: spellings, reading and Friday Challenges to give your children the best chance of success. You have all done such a good job so far! Thank you for your continued support.
The Year Two Team