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Year 1 Newsletter Summer Term 1 2022

Welcome back – can you believe that it is the summer term already?!! The children have come back to school beautifully and are excited to get stuck into learning lots of new things.

Our topic this term will be ‘Wonderful Nature’. The focus will be nature in our gardens, parks, ponds. We will be looking closely at flowers and growing our own plants from seeds, learning about what they need to become strong and healthy. In our Science lessons, we will be experimenting to see what happens if seeds don’t have all that they need. Will the plant still grow strong and healthy? We will also be looking at life cycles of frogs and caterpillars.

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In Maths we are going to be learning all about fractions of shape, as well as fractions of number. We will be learning about 1 Whole, ½, and ¼.  Once we are confident with fractions, we are going to be learning to tell the time on a clock face. We will learn to read o’clock, and ½ past each hour. To keep things fresh in our minds, we will also keep refreshing our brains with all our previous learning of addition, subtraction and place value.

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Please can you check that all P.E kits and school clothes have your child’s name in them. Also, can you please check that your child has a full P.E kit in school at all times. The children have grown! Their plimsolls/trainers may now be a little tight.

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Finally, could we please remind you to read, practise your child’s pencil case words and help them with their spellings. This homework is very important, the more they practise the more they remember.


Thank you for all your hard work and support in helping your children at home.


Year One Team.