Reception - Spring Term 2 Newsletter
Welcome back to the wonderful world of ‘Spring and Growth’ for this term’s topic. This term, the children will be learning all about ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children were surprised to find a giant beanstalk growing in their classrooms along with a letter explaining that it was the Giant who had broken into the school to find his golden egg! The children have been watching the golden egg to see if it will crack and making comments about what it might be. A very exciting start to this term indeed!
In Maths, we will be exploring the text – ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ by Nick Butterworth and this will lead into lots of practical activities involving length, height and weight. We will also continue to explore larger numbers, recapping addition and subtraction. Alongside learning some 3D shape names.
Hopefully, some signs of Spring will soon appear! As you have probably seen and heard, we are currently in the prosses of revamping our outdoor area where this will give us the opportunity to plant lots of flower sand hopefully some vegetables too! The children have been busy this week helping us to create our new garden centre role play areas. Our artist study this term is ‘Mark Herald,’ who creates beautiful bird paintings and this will inspire our own painting of birds.
Our texts this term have been carefully selected to underpin our wellness curriculum, ‘The Feelings Book’ has really helped the children explore different emotions and how to cope with them. We also plan special ‘Circle Time’ activities to help us with friendship and kindness. Through these mindful activities and being together, children will learn how to be a good friend.
It was so lovely to meet up with you at the recent Parent Consultations to discuss your child’s progress. As always, the Reception team felt privileged to be in a special partnership with you working together to ensure that your child’s needs are met. Thank you for all that you continue to do to support us.
If you have any small boxes, toilet roll, yoghurt pots etc. we would love to use them for junk modelling. Also, any excess flower pots, seeds, trowels, or other garden bits and bobs would be gratefully received.
Please could we also take the opportunity to thank you for your continued help and support, it really does make a difference to the children’s progress.
The Reception Team