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Year Two Newsletter

Welcome back to Term 2!  Can you believe we are nearing the end of 2020 already?!  What a strange year it has been too! Thank you to those of you who have passed so many messages of kindness and support, it really does mean a lot to us all.

We have now said goodbye to our Castles topic which we celebrated with a lovely banquet where we enjoyed Medieval music, dancing, and with some children trying their hand at juggling and seeing if they could make the King and Queen laugh with their jokes!

This term, we have launched our new topic ‘Down with Dinosaurs’! The children have been     very excited by this and are really enjoying finding out fascinating facts about lots of different dinosaurs!  

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In English we are exploring poetry and are being ‘word magpies’, collecting lots of different words and phrases to help us write our beautiful poems.  This week we have used a poem called ‘The Magic Box’ to help inspire us and next week we will be using ‘The Sound Collector’.

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In Maths we have moved to multiplication! The children will be finding out about repeated addition and will be using a drawing method to help solve the problems they are given.     We will also be working on doubles, halves and of course continuing our counting patterns of twos, fives, tens and threes.

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In our learning journey we will be dinosaur crazy! Fact-finding, writing and creating all sorts of dinosaurs, including a scaled down model of a T-Rex!

Our focus for Wellbeing this half term is exploring mindfulness using the senses, developing good friendships and celebrating being a Wise Old Owl learner at school and at home.

Please continue to support and encourage your child with reading, spellings and Friday Challenges at home, it really does make a difference!


Year Two Team